OSR Resources
The OSR SIG has produced several resources to help financial services firms along their open source journey.

Open Source Compliance Workflows
Below are some high-level workflows for common open source compliance processes. To provide a point of reference for the various steps, the workflows refer to the functional components of an open source compliance toolchain in the diagram below, produced by the Open Source Tooling group of the OpenChain Project.

Considerations and Guidance for Electronic Communications Policies and Open Source
* List/link to example regulations

External Resources
Similar Efforts

OSLC Handbook
This handbook provides information on how to comply with some common open source licenses under a specific set of use-cases. The goal here is to provide developers and engineers with some "self-serve" information to facilitate the end goal of open source license compliance, particularly for the easy-to-comply with conditions in open source licenses. This handbook also aims to help identify some of the more complex open source license compliance conditions for which consultation with open source counsel may be needed.

OSLC Handbook Licenses
Please review OSLC Documentation for a primer on this, and the Licenses article for more details on softwre licensing.

White Paper: Business Value of Open Source in Financial Services
This white paper outlines the benefits and value of open source for financial services across varying degrees of open source engagement including consumption, contribution to existing projects and open sourcing proprietary software. It also looks at the real and perceived risks and challenges to open source participation and ways to address these.